Please visit us also our European liaison-office in Essen, Germany.
Before you come personally for a cup of tee or glass of beer, you may wish to visit our town virtually. This is easily possible with the wonderful Google Earth : Google Earth combines satellite imagery, maps and the power of Google Search to put the world's geographic information at your fingertips. - Fly from space to your neighbourhood. Type in an address and zoom right in. - Search for restaurants and hotels. Get driving directions. - Tilt and rotate the view to see 3D terrain and buildings. - Save and share your searches and favourites. Even add your own annotations ( placemarks = PM ).
For Google Earth (free) download, please click on this symbol :
Once you have downloaded and installed Google Earth, you can find our PM (Placemark) in the Google Earth Forum by clicking here on this symbol . If you then click on the same symbol at the forum, you can download and/or open our PM via your Google Earth.